On December 8-9, Liu Baosheng who is the party secretary, chairman of the board and general manager of sailing Co.,Ltd., Zhen Zhijun who is the Standing Deputy General Manager of Fengfan Co.,Ltd., Zhang Yufeng who is the deputy general manager and chief engineer of Fengfan Co.,Ltd., and their four companions visited Energy Storage Division of DICP. They aimed to cooperate with each other in the novel battery area. Wang Hua, who is the deputy director of DICP, attended their mutual discussion conference.
Wang Hua welcomed Liu Baosheng and his companions to visit DICP, and introduced the history and current statis of DICP to guests. At the same time, Liu Baosheng introduced Fengfan Co., Ltd., and expressed the hope to cooperate closely with DICP in the filed of new battery technology. During the visit period, Professor Zhang Huamin accompanied the guests to visit the Energy Storage Division and Rongke Power Co., Ltd. The research stuffs of energy storage technology introduced the current statue of some energy torage batteries. Previous to this visit, both sides had a number of communications. As a result of this visitor, the DICP and Fengfan co. Ltd reached a consensus on the cooperation in novel battery area. Fengfan Co., Ltd. also invited Professor Zhang Huamin as their novel battery technology experts, which provides a reliable guarantee for the smooth implementation of technical cooperation of both sides.
Fengfan Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, is the strongest market share of automotive starter battery production enterprises, whose predecessor is one of 156 national key construction projects in the "first five" period. Fengfan Co., Ltd. has a post-doctoral workstations, national power lithium battery laboratory and the only one national technical center identified by NDRC and Ministry of Science and Technology as well as Chairman of the acid storage battery branch unit of Chinese chemical and physical power industry association and the lead-acid batteries branch of Chinese Battery Industry Association , owing strong capability of product engineering and industrialization.
