New Breakthrough in Non-Precious Metal Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cells

来源: 时间:2011-08-15 栏目类别:News

Important breakthrough has been achieved in the investigation of non-precious l catalyst for PEM fuel cells by the DICP team headed by Prof. ZHANG Huamin, namely, the development of nitrogen doped nano-carbon catalyst, and their results were published in the journal of Energy and Environmental Science .( http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2011/EE/C1EE01437D )(DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01437D).

In this work, pyridine type and graphite type nitrogen was introduced in situ into dry carbon sols. In this way the electron structure of some carbon atoms was modified, which in turn enhanced the electron-supplying ability of their neighboring carbon atoms. The carbon atoms so activated could adsorb and reduce oxygen atoms directly, and exhibited rather high selectivity towards redox reactions. The newly developed catalyst consisted only traces of transition ls, and the boundary defects exposed in the carbon structure could provide greater number of active sites for redox reactions. Accordingly, this kind of nitrogen doped non-platinum catalyst showed higher redox activity, stability and resistance to methanol poisoning. It was found that under acidic conditions, the electro-chemical stability of the new catalyst was superior to the Pt/C catalyst. On the other hand, in an alkaline condition of the fuel cells, the activity of the new catalyst was comparative to the Pt/C catalyst, whilst its stability was better than the Pt/C catalyst.

This investigation accomplishment has provided a new concept for solving the bottle-neck problem of the PEM fuel cell industry, namely, the high cost and scarcity of platinum resources of the platinum catalysts.


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