DICP participated in the European Flow Battery Standardization

来源: 时间:2011-11-28 栏目类别:News

The European Standard Forum was initiated in Berlin on Sunday. More than 20 research institutes, manufactures, and suppliers attended. China and the U.S.A. presented as non-Europe countries for preparing international flow battery (FB) standards. Prof. ZHANG Huamin of DICP, member of the IEC standard panel, and director of the IEC FB committee, was invited to the forum.

Business plan for FB standardization was discussed and approved. Six working groups (WGs) were formed, and they were Group of FB Terminology (WG1), Group of FB Technical Comparison (WG2), Group of FB Technology Choice (WG3), Group of FB Performance and Life Cycle Testing (WG4), Group of FB Application (WG5), and Group of FB Transportation and Installation (WG6). DICP parcitipated in WG1 and WG4 as the sponsor unit for FB standardization. RKP attended WG6 and was elected the convener of WG5, in charge of FB application standard drafting.

As one of the leading proponents for international FB standardization, the participation of DICP in the European FB standardization reflects international recognition for the FB technology achievements in China, and this will bring about significant impact on advancing the industrialization as well as promoting the international reputation and competitiveness of the domestic FB technology.


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