DICP Scholar as Member of International Experts Group for Standardization of Liquid Flow Storage Battery

来源: 时间:2011-06-28 栏目类别:News

Recently, Prof. ZHANG Huamin of DICP has been elected as a member of the Experts Group of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for strategic standardization studies of TC 105 Type liquid flow storage battery (LFSB). The Experts Group is comprised of experts from China, USA and Germany. Prof. Zhang will participate fully in the setting up of international standards for LFSB, and he has already submitted a revised proposal to the Experts Group on the directory of standards for LFSB. Meanwhile, invited by the European Standards Organization CEN & CENELEC, Prof. Zhang will also go to Vienna in early July to participate in the establishing of a European Agreement on LFSB.

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